일본 대학도서관의 연구데이터 관리 지침 분석 연구

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-11-12


Abstract "This study aims to develop research data management guidelines for university-level research data management in the rapidly changing research environment of open science. To this end, we investigated the definition of open data, related policies, and examples of open science-related policies in Japan, and then examined the current status of research data management regulations in 65 universities in Japan. There are seven main components of research data management regulations in Japan, and 87.69% of researchers are considered to be the main entity that manages and owns research data, and the responsibilities of universities are analyzed as maintaining an environment to support research data management responsibilities. In addition, 84.62% of the 65 universities operate institutional repositories that support the uploading of research outputs, and only 20% provide research data management services through university libraries. Based on the results of the analysis, this study suggests implications for the establishment of research data management regulations that are the basis for research data management services performed by Korean university libraries in the evolving research environment."




11/12/2024, 16:47

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oa.new oa.data oa.rdm oa.policies oa.universities oa.libraries oa.repositories oa.japan oa.south_korea oa.korean oa.open_science oa.asia

Date tagged:

11/12/2024, 21:47

Date published:

09/13/2024, 17:47