PsyArXiv Preprints | How to approach open science practices for clinical psychology research

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-12-07


Abstract "Open science practices are gaining increasing importance. However, applying open science practices in one's research can be challenging. And yet, it is becoming increasingly necessary to take a stance on this. To support our colleagues in clinical psychology to take a stance on open science practices and to motivate them to apply these practices in their research, we describe here how the use of open science practices benefits or can benefit clinical psychology science and practice and provide some perspective on why we believe that the increasing use of open science practices is consistent with good scientific practice and the ethical standards of our profession. In addition, we discuss how calls for increased implementation of open science practices in psychological research can be reconciled with some of the challenges, concerns, and conflicts that can arise around open science practices, especially in clinical psychology. Finally, we extend open science's inclusive and collaborative stance to include "experts by experience" in the research process. Including our research topics in the research process is a specific facet of the open science approach in clinical psychology that has been overlooked."


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Tags: oa.open_science oa.benefits oa.psychology oa.ssh oa.practices

Date tagged:

12/07/2024, 08:43

Date published:

12/07/2024, 03:43