The Launch of the Citizen Science Nederland network - Our Vision, Mission, and Objectives

agcyb's bookmarks 2024-06-11


"The Citizen Science Nederland network (CS-NL) formally started on May 1st 2024 thanks to funding from the Open Science NL programme. On May 28th we took a moment to celebrate this milestone, and presented the Director of the Open Science NL programme at NWO, Hans de Jonge, and the Manager of the Societal Engagement and Citizen Science Programme within Open Science NL, Frederieke Schmitz, with a printed copy of this document. 

At this event we also took a moment to reflect on the effort of so many people over the years, that made this funding and the launch of the network possible, and to thank them for all they have done to bring this moment about. This long pathway is described in this document, along with a re-iteration of our Vision, Our Mission and Our Objectives for the network.

From this moment forward we design, plan and execute the plans for the CS-NL network together with its members, with the ongoing support of many more."



06/11/2024, 19:04

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Date tagged:

06/11/2024, 23:04

Date published:

05/29/2024, 19:04