Morning Advantage: The Wall of Sound 2012-06-01
Over the last week or so I’ve seen a few articles about the perils of using headphones at work — they make us anti-social, they lessen our concentration. The Wall Street Journal ran a piece, and so did HBR. So should I be retiring my Bose headphones? Thankfully, the Atlantic's Derek Thompson says no. Headphone phobia, as it turns out, isn’t a new thing. In fact, since the dawn of recorded music, headphones have received a bad rap, especially as anti-social devices. Now they’re seen as productivity killers. Yes, while some studies say headphones aren’t the focus-enhancers some of us claim, and that it’s “advisable to work in silence” to achieve full concentration, what about keyboard clatter and phone calls? Sometimes a little privacy is in order. Seriously, work is tough enough. So let us control our spaces as much as we can. Whether we're listening to Mozart or dubstep, it doesn’t matter — music isn’t a threat. Really. Leave us desk jockeys be.
Mad Men’s Mixed Blessing for Marketers (Bloomberg Businessweek)
While Banana Republic, Estée Lauder, and The Gap have seen sales bumps for their Mad Men-inspired wares, the show’s impact on plot-driven products is still questionable, says Diane Brady. Jaguar, for example, was part of the plot of a recent episode, but its fictional exec was a philandering creep. It’s probably safe to say that Jaguar’s PR team wasn’t too happy about that. So should companies still agree to be part of the show? Well, even though Mad Men may seem like a marketing coup, if show-runner Matthew Weiner is on the other line, think twice before taking the call. The best bet? Act less like Jaguar and more like Banana Republic by making “products that key off the romance that surrounds the show.”
Myths about Emerging Markets (VoxEU)
With the current state of the economy, many companies are taking a protectionist stance when it comes to emerging markets. This is a mistake, according to a team of McKinsey consultants, and companies should seek to separate reality from myth. Myth #1: Mature economies are losing out to emerging markets and are therefore facing increasing trade deficits. Myth #2: The demise of manufacturing is why trade balances are deteriorating. Myth #3: Trade is at the heart of declining manufacturing employment. Reality checks lie within.
A Never-Ending Saga
The Quest for the Perfect Office Chair (Slate) Games Teach Us to Have Epic Ambitions (Big Think) Top 10 Hardest Jobs to Fill (Manpower Group)