Griffith - GCSCR and School Research Funds, 2018 (for Poppy)

DE "MENTORING" OR DE "MENTORS" on 2012-04-20 04:54 PM 2012-04-20


Hello colleagues and HDR students,

We are pleased to announce the funding categories for the 2018 research support budget for both the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, and the School of HLSS.

As in previous years, we will accept applications to access these funds on a rolling basis throughout the year. It is our intention to provide you with a response to your funding requests within 2-3 weeks of the request being received.

Please factor this timeframe in to your planning, and your applications.

As in 2017, you do not need to approach the Centre and School separately for funds -- please just put your request through on this one Google Form (, and we'll consider your application drawing upon the Centre's and/or the School's Research Support Funds.

Of course, Centre funds will only be allocated to Centre members and HDR affiliates; and School funds will be allocated to staff members from HLSS or HLSS HDR students.

You will receive a notification from Kim Podger regarding the outcome of your application, and this correspondence will also contain information regarding the speedtype and class that the funds should be drawn from.

NOTE: Any funding awarded in 2018 must be expended by 14 December 2018, unless otherwise advised (eg if funds are provided for a January-February 2019 activity). Unspent funds will not rollover to 2019.


We are pleased to announce research support in the following categories, which are also outlined on the Google Form (here it is again)

Categories suitable for HDR applications are identified.

1. Conference attendance + publication

Funding is allocated on the basis of attendance resulting in a high quality publication; maximum of $1,500 for National conference and $4,000 for an International conference. Conference attendance at key gatherings is an important way to disseminate your research, build networks and identify potential collaborators.

2. Grant development funds

Funding is available for planned Category 1-3 (ARC or government/non-profit/industry) funding applications >$100k. Recipients of this scheme who intend to submit an ARC application will need to follow the GCSCR ARC EOI process which also involves attending a short series of joint GCSCR/HLSS grant development workshops. Recipients of this scheme must also have their Cat 1-3 funding application peer-reviewed by in-house and external experts.

3. Humanities Grant Development Fellowship 

These fellowships are designed to support staff to build a track record and collaborative relationships to submit a major grant application. A major grant application should be submitted within 12 months of the fellowship being awarded. Two fellowships are available in 2018, each to the value of $6,000. These funds may be used to fund teaching relief, pending approval. A separate call for these Fellowships will be announced in the coming weeks, so you may apply for a Fellowship in T2-T3 2018 or T1 2019.

4. National and International Collaborations (staff and HDRs eligible)

Funding is available to facilitate collaborative activities including planning workshops, joint data analysis, grant writing and co-authoring of high quality outputs. This scheme is designed to enhance the capacity for GCSCR and HLSS staff and HDR candidates to work closely with world-class researchers. Applications designed to support the preparation of an ARC Linkage grant are particularly encouraged in 2018, although we will consider all requests for funding to support collabora


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Date tagged:

04/20/2012, 17:00

Date published:

03/22/2018, 20:39