Maximizing the visibility of research outputs: COAR call for action | LIBER 2012-03-08


The association of European Research Libraries posted the following open letter from COAR: “The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) joins the research community in condemning Elsevier for its recent business practices and lobbying that undermine policies and activities promoting open access to scholarly literature. While many commercial publishers are working to adapt their business models to rising demands for open access, Elsevier has systematically acted to counter progress being made in the scholarly community towards this end. One easy way of achieving open access is through the deposit of articles into online open access repositories. COAR strongly opposes the changes made by Elsevier to its article posting policies. These policies prohibit authors affiliated with institutions or agencies that have open access mandates to deposit copies of their articles into an open access repository unless their institution signs a very restrictive agreement with Elsevier. Despite their public commitment to ‘universal access’, Elsevier’s policies are greatly limiting access to scholarly literature... COAR is discouraging its members and others from entering into agreements with Elsevier or other publishers that undermine open access mandates and intervene with already established and emerging author practices of article deposit... COAR welcomes like-minded organizations – such as licensing agencies, library consortia, etc. – to join us in developing and adopting best practice for policies and procedures regarding article deposit into open access repositories...”



08/16/2012, 06:08

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Tags: oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.mandates oa.signatures oa.petitions oa.boycotts oa.elsevier oa.libraries oa.deposits oa.best_practices oa.coar oa.libre oa.policies oa.repositories



Date tagged:

03/08/2012, 11:03

Date published:

02/14/2012, 22:06