FOSDEM: Open Science and Open Chemistry | Marcus D. Hanwell's Blog 2013-02-01


"I will be talking about the Open Chemistry Project at FOSDEM this year in theFOSS for scientists devroom at 12:30pm on Saturday. I will discuss the development of a suite of tools for computational chemists and related disciplines, which includes the development of three desktop applications addressing 3D molecular structure editing, input preparation, output analysis, cheminformatics and integration with high-performance computing resources.  On Sunday Bill Hoffman will be speaking in the main track about Open Science, Open Software, and Reproducible Code at 3pm on Sunday. Bill and Alexander Neundorf will also be talking about Modern CMake in the cross desktop devroom on Saturday.  FOSDEM is one of the first conferences I attended (possibly the first, I can't remember if I went to a science conference before this). It will be great to return after so many years, and hopefully meet old colleagues and a few new ones. Please find me, Bill or Alex if you would like to discuss any of this work with us..."


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02/01/2013, 12:06

Date published:

02/01/2013, 07:06