Introducing: The World Academic Publishing 2012-03-08
“The newest addition to my list of questionable open-access publishers is China-based The World Academic Publishing... The publisher currently has a portfolio of seven journals, and they all began publishing in 2011. The domain name is registered to an address in Wuhan, Hubei, China, but the site itself lists a Hong Kong address... Though the publisher makes its content openly available, it does not follow practices that other open-access publishers do regarding article licensing. Authors are required to sign over copyright to the publisher,[2] and all articles bear a copyright statement... I examined several articles to see if they contain any plagiarized content, and the second one I looked at did... I am always tipped off when unidiomatic language in an article suddenly becomes idiomatic... I assume that this publisher charges author fees; however I could find no mention of them anywhere on the site. The journals do contain a good number of articles in each issue, and they are from all over the world, as are the members of the journals’ editorial boards. I will continue to monitor the progress of this new open-access publisher. Journals Published by The World Academic Publishing [1] The Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering [2] The International Journal of Energy Engineering [3] The International Journal of Environmental Protection [4] The International Journal of Multimedia Technology [5] Journal of Control Engineering and Technology [6] The International Journal of Energy Science [7] International Journal of Information Engineering...”