De Gruyter Presents Open Access Distribution Model for Libraries – A Short Film Called “The Art of Paper Planes” Creatively Demonstrates the Model | STM Publishing 2013-03-12
"At the 2013 German Librarians’ Day the academic publisher De Gruyter will be presenting its distribution model for open access articles. Under the model, libraries and research institutions can obtain various packages for open access distribution. The packages enable affiliated researchers to quickly publish their findings under the open access standard. Research contributions can be released as journal articles or book chapters in De Gruyter and Versita publications at the publishing house’s own platform.
Under the so-called hybrid model, it is possible to additionally publish articles under the open access standard in traditional subscription journals. The attractive discounts offered by the De Gruyter model help to prevent customers from paying twice for the same content (so-called 'double dipping'). 'Our model aims to strengthen the status of the librarian as the central source of information on campus,' says Katrin Siems, Vice President of Marketing & Sales at De Gruyter.
Over 10,000 open access articles were published by De Gruyter and Versita in journals and books in 2012. 'The demand for this innovative publication standard continues to grow, and with our model we hope to win the very best content for our publishing portfolio,' Siems adds.
De Gruyter has produced a short film that showcases its new open access model for libraries. 'The Art of Paper Planes' demonstrates how the open access standard removes barriers to distribution and makes content easily accessible worldwide.
The film is being shown for the first time at the German Librarians’ Day in Leipzig. It can also be viewed at De Gruyter’s homepage:
Additional information about the new distribution model, including prices, can be found at:"