Michael Carroll on Copyright and Open Access

abernard102@gmail.com 2012-04-18


Use the link above to access the video presentation by Michael Carroll, Professor of Law and Director, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, American University, Washington College of Law. The presentation was posted to the SPARC Video Channel on December 6th, 2011. Additionally, the following comment was made by Stevan Harnad on December 21, 2011: “OA Priorities: Gratis vs.Libre OA ... Whenever they can do it, authors should retain and manage their rights, just as Mike Carroll wisely advises. But Open Access mandates by institutions should not wait for or depend on authors retaining their rights. Here are some of the many reasons why it is Gratis Green OA self-archiving (free online access) rather than Libre OA (free online access plus remix and republication rights) that should be mandated (by researchers’ institutions and funders): 1. 100% OA is reachable only if we mandate it; 2. only Green OA self-archiving (not Gold OA publishing) can be mandated; 3. all researchers want to provide Gratis OA (free online access); 4. not all researchers want to provide Libre OA (free online access plus remix and republication rights); 5. all disciplines need Gratis OA; 6. not all disciplines need Libre OA (mash-up rights for verbatim text); 7. Gratis OA is much more urgent than Libre OA (for all would-be users whose institutions cannot afford subscription access); 8. 100% Gratis OA is already reachable, 100% Libre OA is not; 9. publisher restrictions are less of an obstacle for Gratis OA; 10. Mandating Green Gratis OA is not only the fastest, surest and cheapest way to reach 100% Gratis OA but it is also the fastest, surest and cheapest way to reach Gold OA and Libre OA thereafter.”




08/16/2012, 06:08

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Date tagged:

04/18/2012, 11:36

Date published:

04/17/2012, 16:55