Bank Publications and Research Now Easier to Access, Reuse 2012-04-18


“Two years after opening its vast storehouse of data to the public, the World Bank is consolidating more than 2,000 books, articles, reports and research papers in a search-engine friendly Open Knowledge Repository, and allowing the public to distribute, reuse and build upon much of its work—including commercially. The repository, launched today, is a one-stop-shop for most of the Bank’s research outputs and knowledge products, providing free and unrestricted access to students, libraries, government officials and anyone interested in the Bank’s knowledge. Additional material, including foreign language editions and links to datasets, will be added in the coming year. And, in a bid to promote knowledge-sharing around the world, the Bank has become the first major international organization to require open access under copyright licensing from Creative Commons—a non-profit organization whose copyright licenses are designed to accommodate the expanded access to information afforded by the Internet. The repository and Creative Commons licenses are part of a new open access policy that takes effect on July 1 and will be phased in over the next year. The policy formalizes the Bank’s practice of making research outputs and knowledge products freely available online, but now much of that content can be shared and reused freely, if the Bank is credited for the original work. In addition, the author versions of articles published by commercial publishers and currently available only to journal subscribers will be made freely available via the public repository after embargo periods elapse, though their reuse will be more restricted than Bank-published material. Articles from 2007-2010 that appeared in the World Bank Research Observer and World Bank Economic Review (published by Oxford University Press), for example, are now in the repository. ‘Knowledge is power.’ World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick said. ‘Making our knowledge widely and readily available will empower others to come up with solutions to the world’s toughest problems. Our new Open Access policy is the natural evolution for a World Bank that is opening up more and more.’ ‘I think it’s an important and extremely valuable signal,” said Lawrence Lessig, Harvard law professor and a founder of Creative Commons, of the Bank’s open access policy. “The objective of Creative Commons is simply to make it easier for people to signal the freedoms they intend their work to carry, and that seems consistent with the model the World Bank is trying to do. We’re happy they are taking the lead and making that a part of their mission.’ Peter Suber, director of the Harvard Open Access Project, said the Bank’s new policy is ‘pioneering’ in its adoption of Creative Commons licenses. ‘I’m delighted to see a major institution like the World Bank push the boundaries and not just make their work free of charge, but also free for use and reuse.’ The new Open Access policy is the latest in a series of initiatives in the last two years to make the Bank more open, transparent and accountable. The Bank decided in April 2010 to stop selling its World Development Indicators data and instead make it freely available, along with more than 60 other datasets, encouraging their use by innovators around the world. That move helped the Bank become atransparency leader among institutions last year. The Bank's open data site has attracted over 11.5 million visits since April 2010 and is now the Bank's most popular website, accounting for almost one-third of all web traffic... While most of the Bank’s research outputs and knowledge products have been freely available, online in the past, ‘the good news is this initiative will give access to a much larger number of people, particularly in developing countries, to the published versions of our research articles,’ said Adam Wagstaff, research manager in the Bank’s Development Research Group. The effort includes enriching the content with metadata to optimize it for search engines and technologies like text mining and data-mining, which allow information to be tracked and analyzed more easily. The repository will be fully interoperable with other major international repositories such as RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), SSRN and Economists Online. This means that the World Bank publishes just once in its own Open Knowledge Repository while its research is also ‘harvested’ and made openly available through many other searchable online repositories, increasing the number of people able to find World Bank content. ‘I’m really delighted the World Bank is making its content available in this widespread way,’ said Jean Sykes, chief information officer at the London School of Economics and chair of Nereus, a European consortium of top economics libraries whose flagship service is the open access Economists Online repository. LSE, together with 16 other Nereus member libraries, contributes its research to Economists Online and RePEC, providing between them access to more than 900,000 bibliographic references, many with links to open access full text. W



08/16/2012, 06:08

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04/18/2012, 15:30

Date published:

04/11/2012, 14:47