H5N1: Canada: Who's against free, open science?

abernard102@gmail.com 2013-03-24


"Via the Parliament of Canada: Vote Details (41-1 Vote No. 631), taken on Wednesday, March 21. The motion: 'That, in the opinion of the House: (a) public science, basic research and the free and open exchange of scientific information are essential to evidence-based policy-making; (b) federal government scientists must be enabled to discuss openly their findings with their colleagues and the public; and (c) the federal government should maintain support for its basic scientific capacity across Canada, including immediately extending funding, until a new operator is found, to the world-renowned Experimental Lakes Area Research Facility to pursue its unique research program.' The vote was 137 yeas, 157 nays—all negative votes cast by the Conservative government members."



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Date tagged:

03/24/2013, 15:32

Date published:

03/24/2013, 11:32