A Systemic Review of Open ACcess in Systems Engineering Research
abernard102@gmail.com 2012-05-04
Use the link above to access the full text article from the Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the ISSS (International Society for the Systems Sciences). The abstract reads as follows: “The Open Access Movement is promising to grant universal unrestricted access to the knowledge and data outputs of publicly funded research. However, a systematic review of publicly funded projects in the systems engineering domain reveals such policy has had limited uptake. This paper presents the rationale methodology and preliminary results for this research.” The introduction provides the following additional information: “Despite the availability of good practices and no shortage of publicly available knowledge sharingtools and platforms, much knowledge produced by publicly funded research is still not shared, or only notionally shared, and there is no indication that the uptake of OpenAccess policies is actually monitored by anyone at any level. The research aims to: [1] identify what policies and practices regulate the explicit sharing of knowledge generated by publicly funded research in the UK. [2] evaluate to what extent, and via which mechanisms and behaviours, the adoption of OA policies and knowledge sharing artefacts and processes are adopted in the UK systems engineering research today.”