Opening Science. The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing / Sönke Bartling, Sascha Friesike (eds) - The Association of Professional Information and Documentation 2014-09-15


[From Google's English] " ... Open science synonymous therefore our scientific culture? A new addition to old wine in some way? Yes and no. For better understanding, to learn more, here is a book in English, published by Springer, which could quickly become a reference book because it is well written, interesting and affordable, especially because its digital version in PDF and HTML, is distributed freely available on the SpringerLink platform. He deserves more than a click of courtesy or curiosity. The authors - scientists, librarians and information especially in German-speaking countries and the United States - wanted to review the concept of open science , with different approaches and points of view. Sure bet. Through its theoretical trends, applications, developments and achievements, they managed to achieve a modern concept of science, multiple and sometimes contradictory, yes, but above all marked by new technologies and social responsibility vis-à-vis the concept of civil society ..."


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09/15/2014, 07:36

Date published:

09/15/2014, 03:36