Access to the Finch Committee on Open Access 2012-05-08


“The Finch Committee, set up last year by David Willetts to examine how UK-funded research findings can be made more accessible — and mentioned by the minister in his speech on the subject earlier this week — has been meeting regularly and is due to report within weeks. If you would like to find out more about the committee’s deliberations, you can. The notes of their meetings are published on the website of the Research information Network (RIN). Chaired by Dame Janet Finch DBE (Professor of Sociology at Manchester University) the Working Group on Expanding Access to Published Research Findings (WG), to give the committee its long and proper name, is made up of representatives of researchers, universities, librarians, publishers, funders (Wellcome Trust, RCUK, HEFCE), learned societies and RIN. It has met three times to date and has a fourth and final meeting scheduled for later this month. The decision to make the meeting notes available was taken — at their 2nd meeting in December 2011 — to foster ‘two-way communication’ between members of the working group and their constituencies. I’m not sure how much of that has gone on. Oddly for a process that is consideringopen access, the consultation process seems to have been rather muted; the same was true of the consultation on the RCUK’s draft policy on open access which didn’t appear to have been officially announced. Nevertheless it is evident from the notes that the working group has been consulting widely. Anyone who would like to communicate with the committee, even at this late stage, can do so: the membership and email details of its members is available via RIN (Excel file). I’ve had a look at the meeting notes and have uploaded PDF versions to a public dropbox folder in which I have highlighted what appeared to me to be the key points. Anyone wanting a fuller picture should read the full documents (links below) — they’re not very long...” [Use the link above to access the “highlights” of each meeting posted by the blogger.]



08/16/2012, 06:08

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Date tagged:

05/08/2012, 08:32

Date published:

05/07/2012, 16:59