Research publishers costing taxpayers | Radio New Zealand News 2014-09-24


Use the link to access the list of "Expenditure(s) on academic journal subscriptions in 2013 (includes hard copy and access to databases)." "Research organisations spent more than $55 million in a single year on subscriptions to academic journals, figures obtained by Radio New Zealand show. Auckland University alone spent $14.8 million in 2013, while Crown Research Institutes such as NIWA and GNS Science spent more than $500,000 each, on average. Auckland University spent $14.8 million on subscriptions to academic journals last year. Photo: PHOTO NZ Universities and research institutes say they have no choice but to subscribe so their researchers can stay up-to-date with the latest knowledge. Universities New Zealand executive director Chris Whelan said prices go up every year and the journals' publishers use sales tactics he described as 'extortionate' ..."


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Date tagged:

09/24/2014, 18:07

Date published:

09/24/2014, 14:06