Delivering Open Educational Resources for Engineering Design | Ariadne: Web Magazine for Information Professionals 2012-05-11
Use the link above to access the full text article from the current issue of Ariadne: Web Magazine for Information Professionals. The article opens as follows: “A great deal of information is accessible on the World Wide Web which might be useful to both students and teachers. This material, however, is of variable quality and usefulness and is aimed at a wide spectrum of users. Moreover, such material rarely appears accompanied by guidance on how it may be most effectively used by potential users. To make information more usable it must be made more readily discoverable and there should be clear – and preferably machine-readable – indications of its provenance and quality and the legitimate uses to which it may be put. The recently completed HEA/JISC-funded Delivering OERs for Engineering Design (DelOREs) Project set out to explore the creation of two Web-accessible ‘collections’ of university-level Open Educational Resources (OERs) relevant to Engineering Design. The research was led by the University of Bath in partnership with Heriot-Watt University, the former with staff having experience in engineering design and its teaching, while the latter’s staff were experienced in the provision of research and educational material using Web-based technologies. The term ‘open’ in the context of OERs embraces the notions of free availability and as few restrictions as possible – for example, technical, legal and cost – on their use. The users for this project were identified as being, on the one hand, undergraduate students of engineering design, and on the other, the teachers of those students. The first collection – known as Delores Selections [1] – is one of Open Educational Resources relating to engineering design relevant to and presented in a way appropriate for teachers and students at first-year undergraduate level. The second collection – known as Delores Extensions [2] – is one of Open Educational Resources and other openly available resources useful to higher-level students studying engineering design and the teachers of such students. In neither of these collections are the resources held locally; rather, the collections constitute indexes to the resources themselves which are to be found on the World Wide Web, sourced from individual examples of OERs and from collections such as MIT OpenCourseWare [3], JISC UKOER Phase 1 projects [4], OCWC [5], OER Commons [6] and the SEED collection [7]...”