UT College of Communication and Information Gets $2.73 Million for NSF Project | Center for Information & Communication Studies
abernard102@gmail.com 2014-10-24
"The College of Communication and Information at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, will receive $2.73 million over the next five years as part of a $15 million accomplishment based renewal of the National Science Foundation’s DataONE project.
DataONE stands for Data Observation Network for Earth, a National Science Foundation program that seeks to develop the cyber-infrastructure linking research data collected by environmental scientists to libraries and laboratories around the world and see that it's effectively used.
UT researchers include School of Information Sciences Professors Suzie Allard (DataONE co-principal investigator) and Carol Tenopir (DataONE working group co-lead). Bruce Wilson, who holds a joint appointment with UT and Oak Ridge National Laboratory and UT research associate Mike Frame are also part of the Phase II team. The principal investigator for DataONE Phase II is William Michener of the University of New Mexico ..."