Who Owns Your Research: A Survey

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-03-19


"There were 860 responses with 54% respondents being members of the ACM. Membership is higher in North America (75%) and lower in the rest of the world (49%). The majority of respondents are from Europe (53%) followed by the USA and Canada (37%). The geographic distribution of responses is shown in the following pie chart ... The respondent are divided between academia (80%) and industry (19%). The relative seniority of respondents as measured by the time from their first publication is summarized in the following pie chart ... The following shortcuts appear in this document: USA to mean responses from North America, EU for responses that come from Europe, Seniorfor respondent who have published their first paper more than 20 years ago, Middle for those who have first published ten years ago, and Juniorfor authors who have published less than 10 years ago. ACM will denote respondent who are members of the ACM ... The proportion of respondents who believe that adopting OA is a necessity depends on origin and seniority. The following table highlights the differences. Respondents outside of the USA were slightly more favorable to OA (47%). Seniority seemed to play a big role in attitudes, with more junior respondents having stronger feelings (37%). The most striking difference is between Senior USA Academics and Junior USA Academics the former favoring OA at 3% and the latter at 11%.  Focusing only on ACM members the propotion in favor is 66%. In all groups the majority views open access as a moral imperative ..."



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Date tagged:

03/19/2015, 08:01

Date published:

03/19/2015, 04:01