News: InPublishing -- Cogent OA launches Freedom APCs 2015-04-01


"Through Cogent OA’s Freedom APC model, authors are requested to explore all avenues for funding the publication of their article, such as their funding agency, institution or company and to select a fee from a range of options based on their circumstances and how much they can afford to pay. The final decision rests with the author. 'We’re introducing Freedom APCs as a mechanism to test to what degree authors can afford to pay article publishing charges,' said Bryan Vickery – Director of Cogent OA, 'we’re keen to learn how much cost is a barrier to the uptake of Open Access.' Cogent OA will be collecting information on the APC fee level selected by authors and analyzing this based on career stage, subject area and location etc. This information will then be published to generate discussion on Open Access affordability and further inform the development of APC models and fee structures. 'We wanted to go further than an all-or-nothing waiver program,' continued Vickery ..."


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Date tagged:

04/01/2015, 09:26

Date published:

04/01/2015, 05:25