ORCID pilot tests nuts and bolts of implementation in universities - Research Information

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-06-21


"The unique identification of researchers has long been a challenge for those trying to manage and use research information effectively, making it difficult to link publications, data and other research activities to the right researcher, say Verena Weigert and Rob Johnson In this context, ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) emerged as a potential solution which has gained significant traction both in the UK and internationally; it has been widely endorsed by major UK funders, sector bodies and professional associations representing research management, library and IT staff in higher education (HE). Building this consensus has been an important first step on the way to improving the integration of systems and processes that underpin the research lifecycle through the embedding of ORCID identifiers. Then, just over a year ago, in a bid to understand how ORCID could work most effectively for UK universities and their researchers, Jisc and the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) launched a project in which eight HEIs implemented ORCID identifiers in their systems and workflows: we have interviewed stakeholders, monitored universities’ progress and have now published a report that details their experiences, identifies difficulties and successes and suggests some practical first steps for others to follow ..."



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Date tagged:

06/21/2015, 08:32

Date published:

06/21/2015, 10:27