En första rapport om FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot | Open access i Sverige

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-08-19


[From Google's English] "In May 2015 the European Commission launched in the context of OpenAIRE2020, an FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot (see previous blog post ). Efforts to organize and disseminate information on this pilot has been intense during the summer. Among other things, owned a workshop on the theme during the Liber conference in June . During this workshop discussed, among other things, the guidelines for the pilot, the wide differences in financing between countries within the EU as well as how information about OA pilot can spread optimally. A first report on progress during the first two months have now been presented. Despite the short period that OA pilot to date have been a number of early results have been produced. 20 pieces of valid claims for Gold OA publishing has come in; 16 articles and 4 books. Given the number of requests for items expected to far exceed applications for OA publication of books, this result can be considered somewhat surprising. The explanation probably lies in the great commitment that a number of OA publishing has shown for this pilot (see for example this blog post from Ubiquity Press ). A large number of applications have also been received that do not follow specified directives that financing may not be applied for 1.) publishing in hybrid journals or 2) for articles published before the pilot was launched ..."



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Date tagged:

08/19/2015, 08:09

Date published:

08/19/2015, 11:34