No Library For You: French Authorities Threatening To Close An App That Lets People Share Physical Books | Techdirt 2015-09-20


"EFF's Parker Higgins recently tweeted a question detailing the truly messed up state of copyright law. What do you think would happen if someone invented the public library today?  ... It's not necessarily a new idea. Nearly four years ago, we asked a similar question right here at Techdirt. And even after centuries of having public libraries, we sometimes still see authors lash out at them ...  However, over in France, they really are taking the idea of attacking new forms of libraries to incredible new heights. There's a French startup called Booxup that is taking the above personal lending library concept and making it digital. You get an account, scan your books, upload a list of those you're willing to lend to others, and the service connects willing lenders with willing borrowers, putting books that would otherwise be collecting dust on shelves to good use actually being read and educating and entertaining the public. Neat.  Except... not so neat, according to French authorities who are claiming the whole thing could be illegal ... "


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Tags: oa.comment oa.business_models oa.libraries oa.librarians oa.p2p oa.france oa.litigation ru.sparc15 oa.negative oa.cdl

Date tagged:

09/20/2015, 08:09

Date published:

09/20/2015, 11:10