Opening Up About the Open Data Institute - Open Enterprise 2012-05-24
“As I've noted before, open data is one area where the UK government shines - unlike open source, where it has yet to deliver the goods. One of its bright ideas was the creation of an Open Data Institute (ODI), which I wrote about at the end of last year. It still doesn't exist yet, but it does have a Web site with some interesting further information about its intentions. The most detailed document is entitled "The ODI business plan" [.pdf]... The 60-page business plan fills out these ideas in some detail, as well as describing the organisation's structure and finances. It's well-worth reading, not least because it also includes some interesting case studies of how others have used open data to save and make money. Overall, I'm impressed by the both the scale and completeness of the ambitions here. I think it's absolutely right to seek to engage with business, government and the academic world. They all represent different ways of understanding and using open data, and it's important to include every approach in this field, which is, after all, still being defined...”