COAR » Higher Education Groups Support Lingua Editors, Open Access 2015-11-15


"Following in the footsteps of other editors and authors, the six editors and thirty-one editorial board members of the Elsevier journal Lingua resigned on October 27, 2015, in protest of Elsevier’s practices. The Lingua editors argued that the journal’s price has steadily increased year after year, far outpacing the cost of production. The editors also cited Elsevier’s refusal to transition the journal to a 'fair open access' model that would charge low and transparent article processing fees for authors, while allowing authors to retain copyright to their articles. Despite the clear benefits for Lingua authors and the broader community, Elsevier will not consider the adoption of a fair open access model for this journal. Furthermore, the Lingua journal imposes a 36-month embargo for article sharing via repositories and other mechanisms, in contrast to US and other funders around the world that, for the most part, require articles to be made available within 12 months of publication ..."


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Date tagged:

11/15/2015, 09:29

Date published:

11/15/2015, 04:29