OAPEN-ERC project

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-12-04


"We are pleased to announce that OAPEN has been awarded an ERC grant to make its deposit service available for OA monographs resulting from ERC funded research. The project will run for two years, starting this month.   The ERC Work Programme 2015 specifically addresses open access to the published output of research. Under Horizon 2020, beneficiaries of ERC grants must ensure OA to all peer-reviewed publications relating to its results. This requirement includes monographs. OAPEN will support ERC’s open access strategy by providing its deposit service for OA monographs and monograph chapters resulting from ERC funded research. The service will be available for ERC grants under H2020 and FP7.   OAPEN-ERC will collect, host, and provide access to the books and book chapters resulting from ERC funded research in order to maximise dissemination and scientific and societal impact. The project will consist of the following elements ..."



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Date tagged:

12/04/2015, 08:21

Date published:

12/04/2015, 09:18