Open Access destroys science. Does Urs Heftrich in the FAZ. | LIBREAS.Library Ideas 2016-02-07


[From Google's English] "Even on a beautiful Friday as this there are sometimes sad news. In the FAZ namely Heidelberger Slavist reports Urs Heftrich : 'Open Access ruins everything - the publishers, the books, the science'. The first one can so stand by and let act and remember the years proclaimed doom designs by Roland Reuss and Matthias Ulmer. The second one is one that is also in this context, as Urs Heftrich his feuilleton become nightmare opened with the now famous case of the electronic reading places at the TU Darmstadt ..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป

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Date tagged:

02/07/2016, 09:39

Date published:

02/07/2016, 04:39