Open Access – Continued and Revisited | MERLOT Blog 2016-04-30


"In my previous blog about OA, I was trying to be as succinct as possible, providing information about the topic – which, as I have noted before, should not be confused with Open Education Resources (OER).  I was aware when I wrote the blog, that because the definitions of Green and Gold can be a bit 'fuzzy' around the edges, that I might get responses regarding the simplified definitions that I had provided.  Sure enough, I did receive a couple of personal and friendly emails, and the folks who sent them have kindly agreed to allow me to republish them verbatim, both rectifying and clarifying some of what I wrote.   It’s thanks to our shared philosophies of “openness” that we can all benefit from the interplay of ideas, comments, and suggestions such as these to help us to build an increasingly strong, shared intellectual community ..."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »

Tags: oa.comment oa.definitions oa.terminology oa.hybrid oa.publishers oa.business_models oa.journals

Date tagged:

04/30/2016, 08:15

Date published:

04/30/2016, 04:15