European Group on big deals negotiations and open access | Open Access in Sweden 2016-05-01


[From Google's English] "European University Association (EUA) is an umbrella organization of European universities consisting of 850 members from 47 European countries, including Sweden's University of Education (SUHF) and individual Swedish universities. In the EUA has a group of experts Science2.0 / Open Science formed, where Sweden is represented by David Lawrence, Head of Publication Infrastructure of Linköping University. A concrete initiative by the Expert Group is to appoint a group of so-called Big Deals with the aim of introducing discussions on open access in the negotiations with publishers.  On April 19, the EUA's office in Brussels gathered a dozen representatives of the consortia and universities from Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Britain and Sweden (represented by Anna Lundén, Head of National Library cooperation in KB) to share their experiences and discuss how best to take on the challenges of open access brings ..."


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Date tagged:

05/01/2016, 08:36

Date published:

05/01/2016, 04:36