International Alliance of Research Library Associations Endorses Accord on Open Data - LIBER 2016-05-01


"As a member of the recently formed International Alliance of Research Library Associations (IARLA), LIBER has agreed to endorse an International accord on open data. The Accord recognises the need for an international framework of principles on 'Open Data in a Big Data World' and proposes a comprehensive set of principles. This endorsement is the first joint action of IARLA, which was formed following a meeting of major research library associations hosted by RLUK at the British Library on March 8, 2016: By signing this accord we declare our commitment to working with the scientific community in making publicly funded research data open by default. Data are the building blocks of knowledge. Therefore libraries, which exist to ensure access to knowledge, are key stakeholders in the open data environment. Libraries have a responsibility to make data discoverable, accessible, intelligible, assessable, and usable."


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05/01/2016, 08:56

Date published:

05/01/2016, 04:56