Introducing Glossa 2016-05-04


[Introduction] The editors of Glossa are proud to present the first four publications of our journal. The publication of these articles marks a milestone. Indeed, we have been able to flip our journal from subscription to Open Access in about four months. In this way, we provide proof of concept that it is possible to quickly and seamlessly move an entire editorial team, its editorial board, its authors and its readers to a new publishing platform. This transition could not have been achieved without the unwavering support and enthusiasm of authors, readers, and reviewers via social media, the press, and personal e-mails. Many authors whose paper was under consideration at Lingua withdrew their submission there to entrust it to Glossa. No less than 10 Special Issue editors and their authors did the same. In addition to these Special Issues, Glossa currently has over 110 papers under consideration for publication.


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05/04/2016, 10:26

Date published:

05/04/2016, 06:26