Teachers Creating and Curating OER-Based Curricula: An Example from Tullahoma City Schools -- THE Journal
abernard102@gmail.com 2016-05-04
" ... I took exception to the proposition that teachers don’t have time to accomplish the formidable task of creating and curating high quality OER for their classes and our schools based on the experiences I enjoyed in my school district in Tullahoma, TN. While 'the emperor' may be without clothing in many schools and districts, I would like to share a model that is serving us well and certainly is portable to other schools and districts. My observations are those of an incumbent superintendent who has served in a small town community with seven schools and approximately 3,500 students for the past two decades. I have a keen understanding of the assets and limitations that we as a school and community face. In our creation and curation of OER-based curricula we believe and support the concept of district-led and district-funded responsibility rather than a piecemeal approach to publishing accomplished by guerilla curators. So, how does our plan work and how can a district effectively support teachers in an effective OER transition? ..."