Open & Collaborative Government 2012-06-12
Use the link to access information on recommended actions and the full text of the declaration, introduced as follows: “The internet has created an increasing expectation of transparency and interaction in society. The European Parliament should aim to lead by example, providing institutional transparency and the ability to collaborate in policy-making to all EU citizens. This can be achieved by supplying public sector information and by creating platforms for meaningful citizen engagement. The Written Declaration 19 on Open and Collaborative Government aims at strengthening citizens’ participation in policy-making, information collection, policy development and decision-making. Citizens need to be encouraged and enabled to join the policy making process from grassroots level. Therefore, public sector information should be freely available and permanently accessible to any citizen. Member States need to be encouraged to follow the EU’s example to amplify the EU’s open and collaborative government efforts... Email your MEP... Below you will find the text of the Written Declaration. Please let the MEP’s in country know that you want them to support this declaration by sending them an email. It is best to write a short personal message about why you think this declaration is important for the EU... Twitter #WDOpenGov... You may also want to draw attention to the Written Declaration on Twitter using hashtag #WDOpenGov. You can add the URL of this website: Find out which MEP’s are using Twitter on this website:”