NARA’s Open Government Plan for 2012-2014 2012-06-14
Use the link to access the full text document introduced as follows: “On Friday, the National Archives released the updated Open Government Plan that will guide our efforts in transparency, participation, and collaboration for 2012-2014. Over the past two years, we’ve implemented most of the 70 tasks we set out to accomplish in our 2010 Open Government Plan, including major initiatives in records management, declassification, and FOIA, as well as redesigning and Within our newly updated plan, you will see the specific items we plan to work on over the next two years, including: [1] Strengthen our culture of open government by revisiting the strategic planning process; [2] Improve employee engagement, including launching an agency-wide mentoring program; [3] Improve internal collaboration and knowledge sharing through the use of our internal collaboration network; [4] Strengthen our relationships with individual citizen archivists and groups, while exploring new crowdsourcing tools; [5] Move to the cloud, implement a content management system and launch a web page for developers [6] Establish a new Records and Information Management Network to support our internal records management; [7] Issue a Records Management Directive outlining a 21st century framework for managing government records; [8] Process backlog records related to the Katyn Atrocities, POW/MIA concerns, and the Cuban Missile Crisis; and [7] Work with the General Printing Office to develop a mobile app for the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents. To learn more about open government at the National Archives, visit Read the AOTUS Blog post, ‘Solving the Problems of our Time.’ To provide feedback on the updated Open Government Plan or our related efforts, please comment below or email