Council on Library and Information Resources: One Culture. Computationally Intensive Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Report on the Experiences of First Respondents to the Digging Into Data Challenge 2012-06-14
Use the link to access the full text report and case studies from the Council on Library and Information Services (CLIR). The abstract states: “This report culminates two years of work by CLIR staff involving extensive interviews and site visits with scholars engaged in international research collaborations involving computational analysis of large data corpora. These scholars were the first recipients of grants through the Digging into Data program, led by the NEH, who partnered with JISC in the UK, SSHRC in Canada, and the NSF to fund the first eight initiatives. The report introduces the eight projects and discusses the importance of these cases as models for the future of research in the academy. Additional information about the projects is provided in the individual case studies below (this additional material is not included in the print or PDF versions of the published report).”