Renforcer la science ouverte : coup d'envoi du projet OpenAIRE-Advance, un des piliers de l'European Open Science Cloud (Strengthening open science: kicking off the OpenAIRE-Advance project, one of the pillars of the European Open Science Cloud) 2018-02-04


From Google's English:

"Couperin, with 50 other institutions from all over Europe, has been a partner of the European OpenAIRE project since its creation in 2008. Openaire harvests the archives of the different countries and makes them available on a dedicated platform. Since the beginning, Couperin has played a role of dissemination and promotion of the project and Open Access in France and accompanies the obligation to deposit the results of the research funded by the European Commission, by directly contacting those responsible for projects and people in charge of OA archives. From 1 January 2018, OpenAIRE enters a new phase with the start of the OpenAIRE-Advance project. OpenAIRE-Advance will work to make open science the default solution in Europe, reshaping the scientific communication system towards openness and transparency as a pillar of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks

Tags: oa.french oa.france oa.eosc oa.openaire oa.platforms oa.funders oa.infrastructure oa.open_science oa.interoperability oa.discoverability oa.collaboration oa.benefits oa.repositories


André Dazy

Date tagged:

02/04/2018, 09:23

Date published:

02/04/2018, 04:23