Academic Publishing: If I publish a figure cc-by (e.g. on then use it in a book, does that escape the (non-open-access) publishers copyright restrictions? - Quora 2012-06-19


Use the link to view comments made in answer to the question posed by the blogger as follows: “I'm writing part of a book chapter, for which I've prepared some useful figures which synthesise a whole bunch of data from various studies. I'd like to be able to use them again, and would like others to be able to use them, so don't want to hand over the copyright to the publisher (who are about as un-open access as you can get, which is not cool). I'm hoping I can publish the figures on and thus make them cc-by and then reproduce them in the book, effectively citing myself. Does anyone have experience of this? Are the publishers likely to have a cow over it? I don't care particularly if they do, but want to avoid having to re-do the figures, which took quite a long time. As an aside, I create my figures using a scripting language, so the real value is in the code behind them. If I use a figure in a publication and loose the copyright to e.g. the .eps I provide them, can I just make another one from the  script and be free of the copyright restrictions? While I'd like to be able to maintain high moral standards and only publish open access, I can't afford to turn down career building opportunities to publish e.g. book chapters and high profile journal articles because of the copyright license. But if I can negate as much of it as possible then that's all to the good!”



08/16/2012, 06:08

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Date tagged:

06/19/2012, 15:22

Date published:

06/19/2012, 15:54