Times Higher Education - Push for gold will cost millions, open-access report says
abernard102@gmail.com 2012-06-19
Russell Group: News and Policy Statements - 2013 - Comment on the Finch update report
abernard102's tagged items 11/23/2013
oa.new oa.gold oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.uk oa.costs oa.reports oa.funders oa.fees oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.bis oa.russell_group oa.colleges oa.finch_report oa.economics_of oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
Key Questions for Open Access Policy in the UK | Reciprocal Space
abernard102's tagged items 09/06/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.mining oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.ir oa.uk oa.impact oa.costs oa.prices oa.reports oa.funders oa.fees oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.jisc oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.colleges oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.creative_commons -
Hybrid gold open access and the Chesire cat’s grin: How to repair the new open access policy of RCUK | Impact of Social Sciences
abernard102's tagged items 09/05/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.copyright oa.uk oa.costs oa.prices oa.hybrid oa.funders oa.fees oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.creative_commons -
RLUK/SCONUL response to BIS statement on access to publicly funded research
abernard102's tagged items 08/11/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.policies oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.libraries oa.uk oa.costs oa.librarians oa.funders oa.fees oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.sconul oa.budgets oa.rluk oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
The Publishers Association comments on release of the Finch report on how to expand access to research publications
abernard102's tagged items 06/21/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.societies oa.libraries oa.uk oa.librarians oa.funders oa.fees oa.embargoes oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.publishers_association oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
Parliamentary committee slams UK policy on open access | Reciprocal Space
abernard102's tagged items 09/11/2013
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.libraries oa.uk oa.librarians oa.prices oa.hybrid oa.reports oa.funders oa.fees oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.bis oa.colleges oa.finch_report oa.hefce oa.policeies oa.embaroges oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.creative_commons -
Open and Shut?: UK House of Commons Select Committee publishes report criticising RCUK’s Open Access Policy
abernard102's tagged items 09/11/2013
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.libraries oa.uk oa.librarians oa.prices oa.hybrid oa.reports oa.funders oa.fees oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.bis oa.budgets oa.colleges oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.creative_commons -
UK Government goes for broke on open access | Impact of Social Sciences
abernard102's tagged items 08/08/2012
oa.new oa.data oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.mining oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.libraries oa.uk oa.costs oa.books oa.librarians oa.funders oa.fees oa.wellcome oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.budgets oa.finch_report oa.hefce oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.creative_commons -
UK Government goes for broke on open access | Impact of Social Sciences
abernard102's tagged items 08/10/2012
oa.new oa.data oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.mining oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.libraries oa.uk oa.costs oa.books oa.librarians oa.funders oa.fees oa.wellcome oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.budgets oa.finch_report oa.hefce oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.creative_commons -
UK plan for open access to research is a golden opportunity, not a cost
abernard102's tagged items 07/24/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.libraries oa.plos oa.uk oa.impact oa.costs oa.quality oa.prestige oa.funders oa.fees oa.wellcome oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.budgets oa.finch_report oa.cancellations oa.peerj oa.comments oa.comment oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
Imperial debate: light and heat on the RCUK open access policy | Reciprocal Space
abernard102's tagged items 10/13/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.mining oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.events oa.uk oa.costs oa.social_media oa.storify oa.audio oa.prices oa.funders oa.fees oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.russell_group oa.colleges oa.blogs oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.creative_commons -
Times Higher Education - Staggered open-access gold run 'won't break bank'
abernard102's tagged items 07/30/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.uk oa.costs oa.hybrid oa.funders oa.fees oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.russell_group oa.budgets oa.finch_report oa.europe oa.repositories oa.hei oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
The UK's 6% Factor and the "Gold Trumps Green" Principle: Perverse Effects - Open Access Archivangelism
abernard102's tagged items 09/18/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.copyright oa.uk oa.hybrid oa.funders oa.fees oa.profits oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.creative_commons -
UK Ponies up for Open Access | The Daily Scan | GenomeWeb
abernard102's tagged items 09/11/2012
oa.new oa.npg oa.gold oa.licensing oa.mining oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.uk oa.funders oa.fees oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.finch_report oa.economic_impact oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
Research@StAndrews:FullText: Finch Report released
abernard102's tagged items 06/20/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.uk oa.sustainability oa.funders oa.fees oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.economics_of oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
Times Higher Education - Funding councils begin open-access consultation
abernard102's tagged items 03/01/2013
oa.new oa.gold oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.consultations oa.uk oa.humanities oa.funders oa.fees oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.disciplines oa.debates oa.colleges oa.hefce oa.rhs oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.ssh oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
Nature News Blog: UK government re-allocates £10 million of science budget to push for open access : Nature News Blog
abernard102's tagged items 09/08/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.policies oa.licensing oa.mining oa.comment oa.government oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.libraries oa.ir oa.uk oa.costs oa.librarians oa.funders oa.fees oa.wellcome oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.debates oa.finch_report oa.economics_of oa.hefce oa.economic_impact oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
Finch Fiasco in Figures
abernard102's tagged items 06/22/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.mandates oa.green oa.data oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.universities oa.copyright oa.deposits oa.ir oa.preservation oa.costs oa.hybrid oa.funders oa.recommendations oa.compliance oa.grey oa.uk oa.finch_report oa.rcuk oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.repositories oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
Finch und die Folgen -- Dr Wolfram Horstmann -- The Bodleian Libraries -- Open Access in Großbrittanien nach 2012
abernard102's tagged items 11/04/2013
oa.new oa.gold oa.licensing oa.government oa.mandates oa.universities oa.copyright oa.uk oa.funders oa.fees oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.colleges oa.open-access.net oa.finch_report oa.presentations oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.creative_commons -
Why panning for gold may be detrimental to open access research
abernard102's tagged items 07/24/2012
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.ssh oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.copyright oa.uk oa.costs oa.prestige oa.funders oa.fees oa.recommendations oa.budgets oa.finch_report oa.horizon2020 oa.rcuk oa.europe oa.repositories oa.hei oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
How did the UK government manage to spoil something as good as open access? | Impact of Social Sciences
abernard102's tagged items 10/17/2013
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.advocacy oa.societies oa.uk oa.reports oa.funders oa.fees oa.embargoes oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.bis oa.colleges oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.hei oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
David Ball: Open Access | UKeiG
abernard102's tagged items 06/14/2013
oa.new oa.gold oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.ir oa.uk oa.hybrid oa.funders oa.fees oa.recommendations oa.colleges oa.finch_report oa.economics_of oa.hefce oa.ref oa.repositories oa.hei oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
UK open-access route too costly, report says : Nature News & Comment
abernard102's tagged items 09/10/2013
oa.new oa.gold oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.green oa.universities oa.libraries oa.ir oa.uk oa.costs oa.librarians oa.prices oa.reports oa.funders oa.fees oa.wellcome oa.rcuk oa.recommendations oa.funds oa.debates oa.colleges oa.finch_report oa.repositories oa.hei oa.policies oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology