JISC response to the Finch report
abernard102@gmail.com 2012-06-22
“JISC welcomes the ‘Accessibility, sustainability, excellence: how to expand access to research publications’ also known as the Finch report, published today... Martyn Harrow JISC executive secretary says, ‘JISC believes that publicly-funded research should be made available as widely as possible... This report provides a clear direction of travel towards open access, and we look forward to working through the UK Open Access Implementation Group to support and pursue these recommendations. The report also stresses the potential of extended licensing and JISC’s existing expertise in this area will be invaluable,’ he said. Martyn continued, ‘Finally, the report notes an important and continuing role for repositories, and the work needed to improve that infrastructure. Again, JISC will work with partners to continue to address this. In combination, these recommendations will mean that more people and organisations will have greater access to UK and worldwide university research than ever before. JISC particularly welcomes the suggestion that JISC will play a key role in gathering and analysing data that indicates progress in the transition to open access. We have a strong role to play on behalf of the research community and the university sector in ensuring the best possible advice, information, guidance and tools are available to share their knowledge in this area.’”