OneHundredFreeBooks Serves Up Free Kindle EBooks Every Hour 2012-07-02


“If you're looking for some fresh summer reading material for your ereader or tablet, OneHundredFreeBooks delivers new ones to you every hour. Search for specific titles, sort by category, or sign up for the site's email list to get notified when new, completely free Kindle ebooks are available to download, or when best sellers get a price cut worth taking advantage of. Much like previously mentioned Zero Dollar Books, OneHundredFreeBooks lets you scroll infinitely to see new best sellers and other Kindle books that you can download right now for no cost. If you uncheck ‘show only free,’ you'll also see heavily discounted titles. If the selection you see isn't enough, you can head over to the Deals page to see other discounted Kindle ebooks, organized by percent-off. Since the site updates with new discounts every hour, you might consider subscribing to their RSS feed to keep an eye on new additions. The site is built on top of Amazon Affiliate referrals, so buying through the site helps keeps the site alive. OneHundredFreeBooks isn't the only way to get free ebooks though. For more, head to your local library, and check out our guide to loading up your ereader for free. Have any more tips? Let's hear them in the comments below.”



08/16/2012, 06:08

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Date tagged:

07/02/2012, 18:09

Date published:

07/02/2012, 20:35