15 Years Advocacy for Access to Information – Achievements and Challenges
abernard102@gmail.com 2012-07-22
“Access to Information Programme (AIP) held the Conference Advocacy for Access to Information – Achievements and Challengeson June 15 – 16, 2012 in Sofia, Bulgaria ... The conference was dedicated to AIP 15 years’ advocacy work in the field of access to information. Among the panelists were Toby Mendel, Director of the Center for Law and Democracy and current chairperson of the Freedom of Information Advocates Network Steering Committee; Helen Darbishire, Director of Access Info Europe, and Tony Bunyan, Director of Statewatch. Also, representatives of leading nongovernmental organizations in the field of access to information from Armenia, Cyprus, Georgia, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Romania, and the Czech Republic will take part... Latest developments with regard to the proposed amendments to the Regulation (EC) 1049/2011 related to access to documents of the EU bodies were reviewed and standards set forth by international treaties and bodies were presented. The impact of the monitoring of proactive publication of information by government bodies for increasing government transparency was discussed. NGOs and journalists shared tactics in using the access to public information for campaigns and public participation and for journalistic investigations. Results from FOI legal help and litigation were presented. Raising awareness campaigns and more particularly, the Right to Know Day campaign, were presented as a successful advocacy tool. The role of the FOI advocates in the Open Government Partnership and possibilities for future initiatives was discussed... The agenda of the conference Advocacy for Access to Information – Achievements and Challenges. Summaries of speeches and outcomes of discussions held during the conference are available here.”