BIS Report part two – Information & observations | Australian Open Access Support Group 2013-09-20


"The BIS report was heavily researched and offers a wide-ranging insight into the current state of open access. This blog cherry picks some of the useful aspects of the report with additional commentary if relevant. This blog is the second of two looking at the BIS Report. The other – “BIS Report part one: Finding & implications” – is available here. The blog covers under the headings: Supporting arguments for open access, Amount of research being made available, and Does green open access threaten subscriptions? We would like to note that the AOASG has had some (indirect) input to the BIS report. The report referred to 'reports of a UK publisher in social sciences switching from a zero embargo policy to require a 24 month embargo, citing its accordance with the recent change to UK open access policy' (par 46). That evidence was the Richard Poynder article ‘Emerald’s green starts to fade‘ which in turn was triggered by the AOASG blog ‘Walking in quicksand keeping up with copyright agreements’  Heady days indeed ..."


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09/20/2013, 08:48

Date published:

09/20/2013, 04:48