SCONUL: Briefing on mandatory open access policies 2013-10-07
Use the link to access the full text report from SCONUL. An excerpt reads as follows: "Section 2: Background to The Finch Report and Key Outcomes ... This provides a brief overview of the Finch Report and background to the
developments of mandatory open access policies of UK research-funding bodies which have come about in the months since its publication ... Section 3: Guide to the main open access policies for publicly-funded research in the UK ... This provides a concise but comprehensive guide to the mandatory open access policies of the principal UK research funding bodies and the implications of these for SCONUL members, the researchers they serve and UK HEIs. It also outlines the key requirements of each policy and directs members to the full policy statements and, where available, to related
guidelines and supporting documents ... Section 4: Thematic summary of case study findings ... This section looks at how the main mandatory UK OA policies are currently being implemented within UK HEIs, through a series of case studies which
detail the activities of eight SCONUL member institutions in relation to compliance with, and implementation of, UK mandatory open access policies. These provide insight into a variety of approaches and options, pitfalls and
problem areas, knowledge, experience and practice ... Section 5: Survey on Open AccessSCONUL surveyed its members in May 2013 to establish how OA policies are being implemented and to take a snapshot of preparedness. This section
summarises the survey findings ... Section 6: Managing APCs: Emerging third-party services ...This section includes a brief overview of emerging third-party services which support institutions and their libraries in complying with, and implementing, UK policies ..."