Research project: Open Data Barometer | Open Data Research Network 2013-10-07


"The Open Data Barometer is a companion study to the 2013 Web Index.  The Web Index is a multidimensional measure of the Web’s use, utility and impact. The Open Data Barometer focuses in on the context, availability and emerging impacts of Open Government Data (OGD). The Barometer will be constructed by combining secondary data from reputable international organizations with original survey data generated by expert researchers and reviewers. The Barometer is designed to provide a clear and comparable analysis of the macro-level context for open data, the availability of open data, and emerging impacts of open data, across the world. It will support advocates, researchers and policy makers to better understand the development of open data globally, and will contribute to a growing evidence base on open government data. The dataset created by the Barometer expert survey will be subject to statistical tests for quality control, and is intended to provide a high quality source of data that can be used in secondary research ... The Open Data Barometer builds on the inclusion of a number of open data questions in the 2012 Web Index, which covered 61 countries.  This year, split out as a separate study, the Open Data Barometer involves an independent expert survey, with an extended selection of questions, and covering 81 countries. The Barometer is supported by the common assessment methods component of the Web Foundation’s ‘Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries’ (ODDC) project, and by the Open Data Institute, as well as by the Web Index team at the World Wide Web Foundation. The 2013 Open Data Barometer is focussed on piloting methods for assessing open data supply, building towards further iterations of the methodology and survey in 2014 and beyond ..."


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10/07/2013, 18:35

Date published:

10/07/2013, 14:35