Open Access and Education: a work in progress | UNESCO Chair in Education & Technology for Social Change 2013-11-02
"Last week, Oct. 21-27, the International Open Access Week was celebrated: a global event, now in its 6th year, promoting Open Access as a new norm in scolarship and research. The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) took part of it by preparing a competition consisting in a questionnaire on copy rights and open access and a Workshop on OER, which were organized by Cristina Vaquer from the UOC Virtual Library. The workshop was broadcasted.
This year the University decided to focus on licenses and copyright, so the workshop was named 'Open Access, repositories and copyleft'. It was conducted by Julià Minguillón and Ignasi Labastida. Julià Minguillón, faculty member at the Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunication Dept. of the UOC, who is a strong advocate and expert in OER research and use, spoke about the concept and uses of Open Educational Resources. He emphasized the importance of interacting with and feedback from users and also pointed out some threats and weaknesses, as cultural differences may bring distinct, sometimes opposite meanings to an original material, or language can act as a boundary making resources not feasible to be used anywhere.
An UNESCO survey in 2006 showed that there was a huge need for awareness of the OER potential. However, Minguillón considers that the impact of OER now is growing and many new initiatives have been launched. Open Up Education is an example of the increasing presence of OER and the boost given to the movement by institutions and professionals ..."