Open-access journals with an impact factor : #LibTechNotes 2013-11-05
"Some open access journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) are also present in the ISI Journal Citation Report (JCR) and Scopus’s SCImago Journal Rank (SJR).
DOAJ collects scientific and scholarly journals that meet high quality standards by exercising peer review or editorial quality control and use “a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access”. JCR and SJR are the leading international bibliometric indexes for assessing the quality of the journals
The UOC Virtual Library has developed a tool to aid access to open access journals with impact factor.
It is based on information from the three platforms. First, it has been standardized information from each supplier, ISSN and journal titles. Then, it has been checked for ISSNs sppearing in both JCR and DOAJ, and SJR and DOAJ.
The information presented on each journal is obtained from DOAJ ... You can view the data via Google Drive and download the data files in .txt or .xls format to work with them. Google APIs have been used to let users manage the information. Thereby we have developed a map that shows thegeolocation of publishers of journals, which helps identify the most active geographical areas. We have also included an infographic that shows the main subjects of open access journals, where you can see the scientific fields that have a higher number of such journals. The tool provides the following information: A list of open-access journals on Scopus and a graphic showing the fields of these journals. A list of open-access journals on ISI and a graphic showing the fields of these journals, both for JCR Social Science and JCR Science. Finally, users should bear in mind that JCR data are from 2011, because the latest edition of this index (2012) cannot be processed globally ..."