Second Open Education Handbook booksprint (Berlin) | Open Education Working Group 2013-12-02


"Facilitating a booksprint is challenging, but facilitating a booksprint when there is already some content written was going to be really tricky. Luckily I had the co-hosts Wikimedia Deutschland and Creative Commons on hand to help with ideas. There were around 25 of us at the booksprint over the course of the day, made up of a predominantly OER and open source software crowd. We started off with some general introductions. Elly Köpf talked about the work Wikimedia Deutschland are doing relating to OERs including their recent OER-Konferenz 2013. John Weitzmann from Creative Commons Germany and Alek Tarkowski from Creative Commons Poland gave an introduction to their open education work and mentioned recent activities looking at OER policy. The European Open Edu Policy Project brings together a coalition of international experts associated with CC to strengthen the implementation of open education policies across Europe.  I also gave an introduction to the LinkedUp Project, the Open Education Working Group and the current state of the handbook. My slides are on Slideshare ..."


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12/02/2013, 07:18

Date published:

12/02/2013, 02:18