Bringing OpenDocument to the web, collaboratively | Aditya Bhatt 2013-12-17


"Last week, the first version of OwnCloud Documents was released as a part of OwnCloud 6. This incorporates  a subset of editing features from the upstream WebODF project that is considered stable and well-tested enough for collaborative editing.  This was a much-anticipated release and lots of nice reviews are pouring in, so I thought I’d take some time to write about WebODF and all the stuff we at KO GmbH been working on upstream.  WebODF is a javascript library that lets you display ODF files in your browser. Think of it as PDF.js, but for ODF. You just throw a webodf.js script on your server, and do a couple of javascript calls to render an ODF file. It works completely client-side, no serverside ODF processing required. You only need a server to actually serve the javascript file. However, WebODF does not do any conversion to HTML. It really shows you the actual ODF, styled with CSS. To see this, you can simply inspect the document ..."


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12/17/2013, 21:56

Date published:

12/17/2013, 16:56