Alle får tilgang til den nyeste kunnskapen - Norges forskningsråd 2014-01-26


From Google's English: "Open access to scientific journals in the humanities and social sciences will give all interested parties an insight into the latest knowledge about culture and society. To this adds the Research Council's scheme for journals. - The national journals in the humanities and social sciences have a great potential to enhance the public debate in Norway. With articles about Norwegian culture and society, they can provide useful public knowledge and new perspectives. To ensure open access to these journals is of great significance both within and outside the research community, says Research Council CEO Arvid Hallén.  Research provides publishing support to 40 national journals in the humanities and social sciences. In order to encourage a transition to open access to these journals' articles, put Research Council's scheme. After a three-year transition period set by the 2017 requirement that journals should publish so-called Open Access to receive support. This means that articles should be made openly available on the internet without delay.  The journals are many scientific and caters primarily to professionals, but they publish in a language that is largely accessible to readers outside research.  Open access to these journals can be of great benefit to broad user groups such as teachers, students, media and management in addition to the general cultural and socio-interested public. They want to get direct access to research in the humanities and social sciences.  To ensure open access to scientific articles is portrayed as a general research policy goals in the final research report, hose lines. Open access is in line with the changes fagoffentligheten has undergone in terms of technological solutions, publication patterns and reading habits in recent years. A measure with a greater spread of research results is to strengthen national fagoffentlighet in the humanities and social sciences.  Research will continue its support scheme for Open Access to cover up to 50 percent of the journals' costs. The current scheme with a lump sum of transition to electronic publishing of journals, converts to apply only to transition to open access publishing. This is to help journals during the transition period to 2017.  Research is in dialogue with relevant stakeholders on new forms of financing for Open Access journals in Norway. Research work in parallel with a revision of its overall policy on Open Access to all scientific publications from projects supported by the Research Council. Here Research on possibilities to finance the costs of open access publishing through regular project funding from all Research Council programs."


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Date tagged:

01/26/2014, 10:32

Date published:

01/26/2014, 06:09