La rivoluzione (e') open data 2014-03-10


[From Google's English] "The opening up of public data - open data - has been the focus of debate among experts of innovation in recent years. Today the theme is emerging in public opinion: journalism, public policy analysis, visualization information, land mapping data seen in public an opportunity to raise, savings, quality.  cues are in the middle of the day 'The revolution (is) open' which was held at Palazzo Lascaris Thursday, March 6 . The Regional Council of Piedmont in recent years has put at the center of its activities free and accessible dissemination of the contents of the wealth of information available to it, first of all 'Arianna' the database of laws and draft regional law . With this appointment, the Council has decided to go a step further, wondering - and asking a group of qualified experts - such as reflections, what improvements, which may have impact the provision of public information on the citizen? You can talk about revolution in the relationship between citizens and administrations in terms of transparency, fighting corruption, participation and civic engagement? They discussed Luca De Biase (Nòva 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore), Federico Morando (Nexa Center - Politecnico di Torino), Guido Romeo (Wired), Juan Carlos De Martin (Nexa Center - Politecnico di Torino), Maurizio Napolitano (Fondazione Bruno Kessler Trento) and Paul Ciuccarelli (Density Design Lab - Politecnico di Milano) ..."


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03/10/2014, 17:10

Date published:

03/10/2014, 03:14